412Signe and Thomas are in an unhealthy, competitive relationship that takes a vicious turn when Thomas suddenly breaks through as a contemporary artist.美丽比一比
961In a small Minnesota town, the annual beauty pageant is being covered by a TV crew. Former winner Gladys Leeman wants to make sure her daughter follow洛奇5
360洛基电影的第五集。自从上一集洛基(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)击败了苏联的拳击机械人后,他决意归隐,从此过些安安乐乐的日子。阴险商人杜克(东尼•布顿 Tony Burton 饰)是拳击经理人,利用拳击手赚黑心钱,他高薪引诱洛基投到他门下,洛基不为所动,断然拒绝了他的星际迷航:奇异新世界 第一季
1129“星际迷航”系列将推出新剧《星际迷航:奇异新世界》(Star Trek: Strange New Worlds),主角为Christopher Pike、Spock、Number One,这三人组的“发现号”衍生剧真的来了。