278安东尼·麦凯将主演游戏改编动作喜剧剧集《烈火战车》(Twisted Metal),同时担任执行制作人,索尼电视部和PlayStation Production出品。窒息家庭 第二季
381Still picking up the pieces after the death of Denis and the cover up that followed, Val Ahern’s world is rocked once again when a stranger turns up o窒息家庭 第一季
256《 Smother》是由凯特·奥瑞丹(Kate O'Riordan)执导的爱尔兰惊悚连续剧。影片中德乌拉·基尔万(Dervla Kirwan)饰演瓦尔·艾亨(Val Ahern),母亲决心不惜一切代价保护自己的家人。社畜向前冲
755Quesada, Julián, Cañizares and company return to face a crisis that could end the company, but this time with Quesada as CEO.昂首阔步 第二季
567The captivating sports drama inspired by NBA superstar Kevin Durant’s experiences in the world of youth basketball returns for season 2.