111西部小镇腐败保守,佳人历劫好梦难留,单枪匹马快意恩仇,血与泪之后,斜阳照见天涯尽处的温柔。有情人邂逅于旧金山,她坚毅独立,他情深义重,移居宁静小镇开展新生,岂料南北战争爆发,他远赴战场,有财有势的富家子却乘虚而入恃势凌人。维高摩天臣自编自导自演兼监制及作曲,非线性叙事扭转传统西部片的硬朗阳刚,在无法喋血双雄 2024
1088Zee(娜塔莉·伊曼纽尔 饰),一个神秘而臭名昭著的刺客,在巴黎黑社会中被称为“死亡女王”,令人闻风丧胆。在她的神秘导师兼经纪人Finn(萨姆·沃辛顿 饰)派遣的任务中,Zee拒绝在巴黎一家夜总会杀死失明的年轻女子Jenn(戴安娜·西尔弗斯 饰)。这使得她和Finn反目,同时也引起精明的警探Sy(奥无处可逃
546A dangerous game, full of traps. A dispute of power, money and desire. On one side of the board, delegate Giovanna Torres, on the other, the wife of a妻子保卫战
1055A wife who just had a miscarriage finds out that her husband is having an affair with a high-end escort. She turns into prostitution and will take her玩具
722Thea, Rene's wife, always invites her other man, Geoff, over dinner for them to make out in the house. But when a new woman, Camille, enters the pictu